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Update on the AERO Conference!

By now you have heard that, as a result of the Corona virus outbreak, this year’s AERO conference will be completely online. We believe that is the most socially responsible thing to do. We understand why you may be adopting a wait and see approach.

Here are some things you should know: The hotel is asking AERO for a $12,000 penalty for cancelling the in person conference in Minneapolis. We’re trying to fight it but they have been adamant so far. The AERO conference will still happen June 25-28. It will be virtual but much like the in person one, maybe better, capitalizing on the opportunities that having it online give us. We will have good networking, drop in rooms, and chances for individual networking.

So, AERO needs your support now! Not only does this include registration, but we are interested in any suggestions you might have about the upcoming conference. Among other things we are now a clearinghouse for people looking for elementary through higher education virtual connections (see article below).
We already have a great lineup of keynoters and workshops. We’d like to add more events and activities, especially for students.

Of course this would give the opportunity this year for people everywhere on the planet to participate in an AERO Conference. We need your help to spread the word.
We are leaning in the direction of using Zoom for the 4-day virtual conference. We used it successfully with our past two AEROx Virtual Conferences and think it will serve our needs nicely once we add a few features that Zoom offers. 

If you have suggestions for other platforms and or features you would like to see us implement during the conference please contact peter –, jerry – We want to make this as user-friendly as possible. If we would like to be a part of the planning. You can join our slack channel by clicking here One major thing we can use is connections to sponsors since this is now a virtual conference.
We will be organing a series of Zoom meetings for open discussions and networking leading up to the conference. This will probably be announced in the e news, but. let us know if you want to be specifically informed.
So there will be an AERO conference this year. It will be a venue of many different kinds of presentation and a lot of networking and interaction.
You can register now HERE.

New Teenage SDE Presenter
We’re excited to announce that teenage unschooler Zoe Greenhouse will be a presenter at this year’s AERO Conference. She is about to undertake a massive challenge to accomplish something that has never been done before.

She has just written an article published by the Alliance of Self Directed Education:
One person’s decision to direct their own education and why doing it should be the norm.
“Sixteen thousand. That’s the average number of hours kids spend at school from Pre-K through high school. Sixteen thousand hours learning things they often forget after the test. Things they may not use in the future. Things that may not interest them. They spend seven hours a day at school, then typically go home to spend three more hours doing homework. Their lives are taken up by work that means nothing to them, and they become accustomed to living that way.I’ve experienced first-hand how many kids talk about hating school……”
Read the whole article HERE

AERO is Now a Clearinghouse for Learner-centered Virtual Education
AERO is now a clearinghouse for people looking for a learner-centered virtual provider because their school has been closed because of the corona virus or they want to avoid it. This includes schools and programs from elementary through college.

We are providing free consultations for people looking for options. Please let anyone know who could use this service. Also, if you have resources to help people, let us know.
To set up a free consultation, write to