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AERO Conference Attendee Reactions!

Maysaa Bazna of Pono wrote:
Thank you for another amazing conference! There is much more inspiration in me from listening to the speakers of the different talks I attended. Thank you for inviting me to talk, for having the survey documentary screened for the first time!
From Yan Li, China
We had a wonderful time at the conference. Thanks for your kind explanations! Because of my poor English, i couldn.t fully understand the conference. but I was still inspired.
From Nanci Dvorsky at Ridge and Valley Charter School
It was so evident how hard you at AERO were working to make things run smoothly at the conference. Not to mention the hours over the year that you must have spent planning prior to the event opening on Thursday!
I love the AERO conference and although from a fiscal perspective I know it is difficult to approach a break-even point with less participants, I can say as a participant I did not mind the fewer number of people at all. The choice of workshops was good, documentaries were inspiring, keynotes and mini talks were great, and networking can sometimes happen better in smaller groups.
In the end, I am grateful that your team still finds the enduring energy to organize and host the conference!
From Kumari of Goddard College
You offered a wonderful conference, as always.
You work so very hard to make the conference great!
Glad Goddard could be there!
From CR, Elkhart, IN
My first AERO conference and it was amazing. Henry Readhead was wonderful as were all the presenters. The informal networking was the best however. School visits were fantastic!! Just making connections with likeminded people — very refreshing and uplifting. I was very pleased with the turnout and the participation for my workshop. I had 6 points to discuss and we only had time to do introductions and the first point. It was fantastic!
From Laura, Miami, FL
This was my first AERO conference. What a passionate group you all are! Thank you all so much for all your help in answering my concerns about opening a Sudbury school.
From Mariola Strahbberg, Janusz Korczak Association of the USA
First of all,- thank you for making the conference possible. I met many wonderful, curious, socially active people, both young and adults. I learned a lot, made contacts, have a great recording of my talk on Korczak and am inspired by people who care about human beings, education and life in general. What more can I ask for?
“A hundred children, a hundred individuals who are people-
not people-to-be, not people of tomorrow,
but people now, right now – today.” Janusz Korczak
From Marla and her dog, Cailey, who helped with child care
It was WONDERFUL to meet everyone. I enjoyed the time with the kids very much. I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did. The best part of the conference for me was when one of the kids used the term, “Survey Sampling” during the question and answer session after the Pono documenary!
Brilliant! Bravo!
From Laurel Tien,
I thoroughly enjoyed the workshops and keynote sessions. Such a wonderful community to be a part of! On behalf of the SelfDesign team, we look forward to continued collaborations.
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Attendees Top 10 Reasons and Quotes on Why You Should Come to the AERO Conference

  1.  Support for AERO and its work.
  2.  Facilitating workshops regarding self-direction.
  3.  Meeting others interested in self-directed learning.
  4. Having access to a relaxed setting to think and talk with people.
  5.  Going for walks in the area.
  6. Seeing what’s new in books about self direction.
  7. Attending keynotes.
  8. Attending sessions related to self-direction.
  9.  Checking out the various exhibitors.
  10.  Buying some of the recordings.
  1. For the interesting speakers
  2. To meet people and learn about what people are doing that is different or new or cutting edge.
  3.  To browse the books
  4. To encounter new exhibitors
  5. to meet people and talk about “stuff”
  6. to visit NYC
  7. to visit LI beaches
  8. attend sessions
  9. to relax and think
  10. It’s a shot in the arm to be with thinkers and creative types after being in the ed trenches.

This will be my first AERO conference. I’m coming…

  1. To hear about other ways of doing self-directed education
  2. To talk and think about self-directed ed with others who are deep into it
  3. To meet people and hear their stories
  4. To support the important work of AERO and the amazing resource that is Jerry Mintz
  5. To experience an AERO conference, after decades of wondering about it
  6. To reconnect with people I know in other self-directed democratic schools
  7. To relax and enjoy not being in charge
“In the current political climate it’s important to take a stand and support what we believe in!”

“The AERO conference is my favorite and the only one I will travel cross country for.  CL.”

“As someone who truly cares about the democratic philosophy I don’t want to go anywhere else but to AERO.  JV”

“I joined this network and signed up for the conference because I am interested in all kinds of alternative education. I am interested in the dialog, in the research, in the ideas and creation of new ways of learning. …..I am interested in starting an alternative school and I want to hear from experts. All the things you’ve done look great – a lot of hard work obviously! And the line-up for the conference also looks wonderful – I am thrilled to be attending.  MH”

““AERO is my continuing education. It’s the only opportunity I have to learn
from other people, rather than just by reading and stumbling along with my
community. I’m a democratic public school educator, and I learn a lot from everyone who is working with kids’ self-directed education in any way. To me, a diverse conference is the best conference. Unschoolers, holistic educators, community schoolers are all making discoveries that support one another. This year I really want to see Dave (Lehman) and Henry (Readhead from Summerhill).” DO”
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Register Now For the Last New York AERO Conference Before the Conference Price Increase! Contact us Directly for Special Arrangements!

The price of registration will go up as we get closer to the conference, June 28-July 1 at LIU/Post Campus.
Here are your registration options.
See new workshop posts here.
Click here to see some of the major features of this year’s regular AERO Conference in June