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Update on the AERO Conference!

By now you have heard that, as a result of the Corona virus outbreak, this year’s AERO conference will be completely online. We believe that is the most socially responsible thing to do. We understand why you may be adopting a wait and see approach.

Here are some things you should know: The hotel is asking AERO for a $12,000 penalty for cancelling the in person conference in Minneapolis. We’re trying to fight it but they have been adamant so far. The AERO conference will still happen June 25-28. It will be virtual but much like the in person one, maybe better, capitalizing on the opportunities that having it online give us. We will have good networking, drop in rooms, and chances for individual networking.

So, AERO needs your support now! Not only does this include registration, but we are interested in any suggestions you might have about the upcoming conference. Among other things we are now a clearinghouse for people looking for elementary through higher education virtual connections (see article below).
We already have a great lineup of keynoters and workshops. We’d like to add more events and activities, especially for students.

Of course this would give the opportunity this year for people everywhere on the planet to participate in an AERO Conference. We need your help to spread the word.
We are leaning in the direction of using Zoom for the 4-day virtual conference. We used it successfully with our past two AEROx Virtual Conferences and think it will serve our needs nicely once we add a few features that Zoom offers. 

If you have suggestions for other platforms and or features you would like to see us implement during the conference please contact peter –, jerry – We want to make this as user-friendly as possible. If we would like to be a part of the planning. You can join our slack channel by clicking here One major thing we can use is connections to sponsors since this is now a virtual conference.
We will be organing a series of Zoom meetings for open discussions and networking leading up to the conference. This will probably be announced in the e news, but. let us know if you want to be specifically informed.
So there will be an AERO conference this year. It will be a venue of many different kinds of presentation and a lot of networking and interaction.
You can register now HERE.

New Teenage SDE Presenter
We’re excited to announce that teenage unschooler Zoe Greenhouse will be a presenter at this year’s AERO Conference. She is about to undertake a massive challenge to accomplish something that has never been done before.

She has just written an article published by the Alliance of Self Directed Education:
One person’s decision to direct their own education and why doing it should be the norm.
“Sixteen thousand. That’s the average number of hours kids spend at school from Pre-K through high school. Sixteen thousand hours learning things they often forget after the test. Things they may not use in the future. Things that may not interest them. They spend seven hours a day at school, then typically go home to spend three more hours doing homework. Their lives are taken up by work that means nothing to them, and they become accustomed to living that way.I’ve experienced first-hand how many kids talk about hating school……”
Read the whole article HERE

AERO is Now a Clearinghouse for Learner-centered Virtual Education
AERO is now a clearinghouse for people looking for a learner-centered virtual provider because their school has been closed because of the corona virus or they want to avoid it. This includes schools and programs from elementary through college.

We are providing free consultations for people looking for options. Please let anyone know who could use this service. Also, if you have resources to help people, let us know.
To set up a free consultation, write to

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New AERO Conference Information

School Visits has been updated.
See all newly added workshops here .
See some of the 9 TED-like mini-talks here. More next week.
Later this week we’ll announce at least 20 participating organizations.
The Pioneers Event will honor at least 10 innovators in Alternative Education.
We will have special strands for students, Self-Design and ASDE.
If you need more information or have a special conference need you can reply to this newsletter or call us at 800 769-4171
CE and Graduate Credits for AERO Conference; Child Care; Room Shares; Listserve and Networking; Deposits:

  • You can get continuing education credits and graduate education credits from Antioch University New England by attending the AERO Conference. Contact us for details.
  • There will be child care for children under 12, only $100 for the whole conference, during workshops and keynotes. Student rate is still only $175
  • Attendees are organizing room shares at the hotel to cut costs. Contact us for more information.
  • All registered attendees are added to a conference listserve to coordinate and supplement information. All attendees will soon be able to join the Whova conference app to do the same.
  • You can still hold the current rates with a $50 deposit for and individuals and $100 deposit for a group. The balance is not due until June 1st

DOCUMENTARIESClick here to see all five of the documentaries that we’ll be showing.

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The Next AERO Conference will be in Portland, OR, June 26-30 2019!

The people on our AERO Conference listserve got a heads up on this and they are very excited about it! The next AERO conference will be in Portland, Oregon, from June 26 to June 30! This was partly a result of the poll of AERO readers a few months ago in which more than 60% of respondents selected Portland as their first choice. The hotel remembered us from three years ago and made us a great offer, with the room night cost even less than it was when we were there last time, even though Portland has become an even bigger destination.

A committee has already formed to help organize the conference. The committee and people on the listserve have been coming up with all kinds of ideas for the conference. We’ve agreed that we want to have it as interactive and experiential as possible. In the recent AERO conference, students had an important role in leading workshops and major presentations. This year we want to increase that involvement. Let us know your suggestions ASAP!

With the recent passing of John Gatto, our focus turned to thinking about those who have been pioneers and leaders in the movement toward learner-centered, self-directed education. At the conference we will have a memorial event for John Gatto. And out of these discussions we have created a theme for the conference: “Where we Have Been, and Where We Are Going!”

Several noted people have already volunteered to be presenters or keynoters, and many others have been suggested. We want to have school visits, maker spaces and other hands-on, experiential activities.

If you already know you want to go to the AERO conference in Portland, we have a great opportunity for you. We have a Super-Earlybird Special that will save up to $90 on the regular registration: If you become an AERO sustainer for just $15 a month you will be registered for the AERO conference. Otherwise you can now register for $199 for the whole 4-day conference.

To see the brand-new 2019 AERO Conference site, go here . You can alsopropose a workshop there .

To register for the conference, go here .

To reserve a room at the hotel at our discounted rate go here.

We look forward to seeing you in Portland!
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AERO Conference Survey Results!

Survey results:

Conference Attendee Feedback

48.4% of attendees heard about it from the e news. 22.6% heard about it from a friend.

52.2% liked the mini-talks best, with the rest spread evenly over the other talks.

14 different workshops were named as favorites.

We received many comments and suggestions. These Included:

More student involvement and presentations.

People loved the Whova app

Some people were frustrated about having to make a choice with many interesting things going on at once.

Many people liked the conference the way it was but wished more people had a chance to experience it.

One suggested the conference run as a zero waste event.

One person liked that everything ran on time and loved the books in the bookstore.

Several potential conference sites were mentioned with a request that they be near airports and public transportation.

Some wanted more specific networking events.

Some wanted more hands-on workshops and events.

One person wrote.” I liked the schedule. I liked the cost. I liked staying on campus. I liked all the different types of presentations….mini-talks…breakouts….keynotes….documentaries….well done! I like that we got to meet with others and talk about what we do individually during breaks.”

96% scored the conference average to strongly believe they would recommend the conference to others.

33% gave it the highest possible rating

96% scored average to strongest about returning to future AERO conferences.

Live Stream Viewers

90% of those who received links to the live stream of the conference were able to successfully view it.

All respondents said the quality was overage to good.

90  said it was worth their investment.

22% said their favorites were the mini talks. The rest were spread evenly over many talks.

40% of the viewers were sustaining members (we received free access)

66.7% thought the networking was the most important aspect of the conference