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Dida Academy Has Student Openings

Dida Academy is a school-replacement teen learning center serving ages 11-18. Our name comes from the word “autodidact” (auto-DIDA-ct), which means self-taught. We operate 5 days per week from our transit-accessible location in Brooklyn. We leverage design thinking techniques and agile development tools to challenge young people to fully create their ideas with professional support.

We use a 12:1 student-to-mentor ratio and promote partnerships among teens in their learning. Students are encouraged to explore, build, and reflect on the topics and skills that most interest them. Dida supports families through daily accountability, weekly documentation, and quarterly narratives. Based on the individual student’s future plans, Dida guides teens in building a portfolio for financial independence and personal success.
Classes, workshops, and project facilitation take place MondayFriday (9am-2:45pm). Our offerings are taught by experts, professionals, and experienced teachers. Classes are developed based on student interest and participation is always optional. Each week we take a field trip to a fun and educational destination in New York City.