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Jerry’s Response to John Merrow’s Article “I Was Just Following Orders”

See John Merrow’s Article Here.

Well, maybe, John!

It reminds me of when I was talking to a student at Sudbury Valley School. He said, “I’d rather be in an authoritarian military school than in a school in which the teachers let you help decide some of the rules, with them leading the process. I’d rather know who my enemies are!”

So I believe very strongly in real democratic process. In that process I fully expect that the meeting WON’T come up with the same decisions the staff might have made. I believe in my bones (and from experience) that the meeting will come up with BETTER decisions than authority figures or students would make by themselves.

And indeed, yes, our culture has come to crave authority because those students grew up in an authoritarian system. This is much like the Russian public got so used to dictatorship that they had trouble with freedom and gravitated back to having an authoritarian leader to tell them what to do.

One of my staff members did some research and discovered that voting participation in the United States began to drop as the public school system grew, and it didn’t really correlate with anything else.

I once did a consultation with a school that wanted me to demonstrate democratic process. On the way over I realized that the oldest student was 5 years old! I thought that I would have to create the agenda for them. It was my public school roots speaking to me. When I started the process and explained that a democratic meeting should talk about “what might be a problem in the school, or what might be a good idea for the school” every hand went up and the agenda was instantly made. Among other things they decided that nobody should eat chocolate after the morning because it had a caffeine-like substance in it–this was brought up by a 4 year old. Another 4 year old brought up that he thought that is someone had a cold they shouldn’t go out in the cold. This was passed. I have a video of the whole consultation, called “Pre-School Democracy.

So. I feel you went some of the distance but not all the way there.


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APDEC 2019 Is July 15-20 In Sydney, Australia!

Dear APDEC2019 & Democratic Education Community, 

APDEC 2019 conference planning is well underway with the APDEC website operational and early bird tickets now available!
We warmly invite you to attend the 4th APDEC,  in Sydney Australia from Monday, 15th July to Saturday, 20th July, 2019. The conference is being hosted by Currambena Primary School and Preschool in partnership with ADEC
With much excitement comes some daunting prospects. Due to venue requirements, we are expected to provide official numbers of staying attendees to the hosting venue, four months prior to the event. This means that we now need an indication about the number of guests attending. 
We have prepared a quick questionnaire which we would greatly appreciate you filling out. APDEC 2019 survey 
Could you please fill out the survey ASAP – Before Monday 4th of March!
APDEC 2019 in Sydney Australia will bring together the democratic education community to build on local, national and international knowledge and experience. 
We have no doubt that many members of our wider community are interested in attending, and we are seeking some information about how everyone is fairing with regards to expressions of interest and purchasing tickets and accommodation.
The theme of our conference is students’ voices- underpinning our values of mutual respect, equality and listening to others, most importantly young people, as learners, leaders and as change agents. 
As well as the presentations, there will be time and spaces for making art, craft, music, drama, games, bushwalks and experiencing the Australian environment. We also plan to spend a whole day at  Currambena and another at Kinma two democratic primary schools and preschools in Sydney.
We hope that you can attend the conference and look forward to connecting with you there! The planning team is very excited about the upcoming event and looking forward to seeing those attending there.
Warm regards, 
The APDEC 2019 Committee 

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Exclusive Article by New Goddard College President About The Crisis in Higher Education Alternatives

Ed: As you’ve been reading in recent issues of this e newsletter, Hampshire College is on thin ice financially and may not even have a new incoming class next year. Antioch College closed several years ago but was reopened by its alumni but is struggling. Goddard College operates on a different model, low residency. This may be a more sustainable model than full time residency, as not just alternative colleges are having serious financial difficulties. We asked new Goddard College President and AERO member, Bernard Bull to talk about Goddard’s model and the financial crisis that Goddard College also faces. Since John Dewey helped his student, Dr. Royce Stanly Pitkin revolutionize the college in the late 1930’s, Goddard has pioneered in distance learning, ungraded education, adult degree programs and many other approaches that have eventually become mainstream. More recently Goddard is considering creating dual enrollment programs for homeschoolers and other high school students. But as he says in this exclusive story below, Goddard is also in crisis now.

In the summer of 2018, I put the finishing touches on my latest book, began plans for my next two research and writing projects, as was nearing my twelfth year at a traditional independent University in Wisconsin. My children, 11 and 14 were thriving in their homeschool community. Our family had a rich network of friends and family. I was not looking for a change. Life was steady and predictable.

Then I received an email that led to an amazing and life-changing journey. In the past, I deleted countless messages almost identical to this one, emails inviting people to apply or recommend others for college job openings around the United States. On this particular day, I was compelled to open the message because of what I read in the subject line, Goddard College Presidential Search.

For over 20 years, I’ve been dedicated to studying educational innovation, experimental and alternative models of education, and self-directed learning. While I never attended, worked for, or visited Goddard College, it played an important role as one of the most inspiring stories of a truly learner-driven higher education community that I’d come across in my decades of study. Over the years, I’ve read almost everything in print about Goddard College. I kept a copy of To Know For Real in my backpack for almost two years, reading and re-reading favorite excerpts, citing portions to anyone who would listen, and seeing this book as the seed behind many of my research and writing project. Two more copies sat on my bookshelf, right beside Democracy and Education, A Schoolmaster of the Great City, Punished by Rewards, The Underground History of American Education, Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood, and The Absorbent Mind.

There are many wonderful and inspiring progressive education colleges and universities in the United States, but there were a few distinct traits that always stood out to me about Goddard. First, its core pedagogy is largely learner-driven, which is more than being learner-centered. While many schools tend to the interests and needs of students, there is a much smaller number of schools that ask that one powerful question that changes everything. “What do you want to learn?” To this day, undergraduate and graduate learners are truly co-creators of what and how they learn each semester.

Second, Goddard was and is not a static model. This is an experimental and experimenting college that has expressed itself in many ways over its lifetime, yet holding on to core elements of progressive pedagogy. Along the way, Goddard served as the birthplace of any number of programs and models that can be found across higher education.

Third, in its most recent iteration, Goddard is low-residency. Students in undergraduate and graduate programs gather twice a year in Vermont or Washington for rich, intensive learning; collaborating with others students; working with their advisors to establish a personal study plan. Amid all of this, the College community maintains a persistent passion for exploring themes of social justice across all programs.

I opened that email job posting, gathered the requested materials and submitted my application. I knew there would be a large pool of candidates, but something compelled me to add my name to the list. To my delight, the search committee wanted to explore this possibility further, and after a dozen or more conversations, I accepted the offer to become the new President of Goddard College. Now, being a little over 90 days on the job, I can say that the community has exceeded my expectations. I’ve studied and visited hundreds of delightful and inspiring K-12 and higher education learning communities over the years, but I’ve never witnessed what I see at Goddard. What most impressed me was how Goddard’s learner-driven value appears throughout the community. I see it in the dining hall; the beautiful, moving, and inspiring learner-centered graduation ceremonies where every graduate gets a moment at the podium; the informal interactions among students and faculty; the conversations about student’s learning plans; and the delightful series of learning and social activities coordinated during a residency.

As much as I admired Goddard from afar, I’ve come to believe that I probably would have declined the offer to become President if it were not for the fact that Goddard is going through a time of difficulty. I had heard nothing from the College for quite some time after my in-person interview. I assumed that they opted for another candidate until the board chair reached out to me to explain the situation. It turns out that Goddard was notified by the New England Commission of Higher Education about concerns regarding governance and long-term financial viability. This eventually resulted in Goddard being placed on probation. These concerns were not in any way related to the magical learning that takes place here.

If Goddard were not going through such a difficult time, perhaps I could have justified staying in my long and stable life in Wisconsin. Yet, I believe too deeply in the power and importance of Goddard’s progressive education. I was compelled to join the community in striving to navigate the current challenges and working toward plans for Goddard to not only survive, but thrive well into the future. There are risks and uncertainties, however this is a critical cause and a courageous community. In a sea of higher education models shaped by efficiency, standardization, mechanization, and mass production; it is more important than ever for us to nurture and cultivate deeply human pockets of educational democracy that lean into values like learner agency, adventure, experimentation, curiosity, and creativity. I am so incredibly proud to say that I am part of such a higher education community.

The immediate situation involves no guarantees and calls for our best thinking at Goddard College. We are striving to refine and improve how we connect with and invite people to become part of the Goddard community. We recently launched an aggressive fundraising campaign called “Together for Goddard College.” We are reducing our expenses to make sure that we are being responsible stewards of the tuition that students pay to the college. In addition, as we work through the immediate situation, we have any number of exciting new projects, programs, experiments to explore; ideas coming from faculty, staff, students, alumni, and other friends of the college.

As Goddard moves ahead, I am looking forward to nurturing and deepening our partnership and connection with kindred spirits in alternative education, and the AERO community is at the top of my list. I am eager to get to know many of you, exploring possibilities for partnership, and discovering how we might work together in expanding those important pockets of democracy across the education ecosystem.

Bernard Bull

President of Goddard College

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Complications from Eye Surgery

The cataract surgery for the first eye went well. Frustratingly, the lens in the second eye has rotated and they need to go in again on Wednesday to re-position it. Thanks to all who sent me positive notes. Wish me luck.