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Radical Road in Scotland: Character Education

This story is about a new AERO member, Tila Morris, from Scotland. She and her partner, Ian McDonald, will be at the AERO conference in May.

This article from Tila Morris presents a reflection on the concept of character education and whether it can be successfully implemented without radical change in the education system. She also invites you to become a memeber of the Character Scotland network:


"The benefit of networks like Character Scotland is the ability to form"emancipatory alliances….[offering] a values-driven solidarity and a commonality of orientation so essential to those who work against the grain."(Fielding & Moss, 2012). My hope here is to spark debate on the best way to build character and virtues in young people. Therefore I invite you to join the alliance, continue the critical reflection on practice and nurture ideas for future action. Should you take up the invitation our shared motive is to create the space where young people's critical consciousness can be raised and entrust our belief in the power and potential of young people to be the force of positive change in Scotland."


You can click here to read from the book.